General Terms of Service for Online Courses
Lime Consulting LLC, (Company Number: 54160160), hereinafter referred to as the Provider, acting on its own behalf, extends this offer to any person or entity (an undefined group of persons), who expresses their intention personally or through an authorized representative, to utilize the Provider's services under the terms set forth in this Offer and the corresponding Service Agreement.
Terms and Definitions Used in this Offer-Agreement:
Acceptance: The act of fully and unconditionally accepting the offer by ordering and paying for the Services under the terms set forth in this Offer and the corresponding Information and Consulting Services Agreement (Hereinafter - the Agreement).
Services: Information and consulting services for individuals engaged in independent entrepreneurial activities, provided in the form of access to video, audio recordings, textual and graphic materials, e-books, brochures, manuals, consultations, reviews, online broadcasts, and feedback. Services are provided remotely using various online services, including email, messaging apps, live internet broadcasts, and distribution of informational materials. Services are rendered by the Provider both directly and with the involvement of third parties. The list, regulations, and conditions of the Services are described on the Provider's website. The purpose of the Client receiving the Services is to acquire new skills and abilities in marketing to increase income from their entrepreneurial activities.
Client: An individual, including those with the status of a professional income taxpayer (self-employed) or sole proprietor, or a legal entity, who has paid for the Services and receives them under the terms of this Offer and the concluded Agreement. The Client hereby guarantees that they are obtaining the Services for the purpose of enhancing their entrepreneurial skills in conducting business activities.
Course, Online Course: A set of distance learning Services developed and approved by the Provider, consisting of a combination of audiovisual, textual, graphic, interactive materials, and computer software (software tools for completing test tasks), united by a common theme, intended for the Client to receive information on the course topic, in the volume specified on the website on the corresponding Course page.
Website: A collection of information, texts, graphic elements, design, images, photo and video materials, and other results of intellectual activity, as well as computer software contained in the information system that makes such information available on the Internet at the network address and its subdomains.
Software: Internet browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome, or similar) for accessing information resources on the Internet, other programs for transmitting, storing, processing provided information. The Client undertakes to independently ensure the presence of the necessary Software to receive the Provider's services on their personal computer or any other device. The Client confirms that the provision of services by the Provider remotely using software fully corresponds to the Client's ability to use services provided in this manner.
Chat: A private community in the Telegram messenger, intended for the exchange of messages and/or materials between the Client and the Provider within the framework of services provided under this Offer and the corresponding Agreement.
Invited Expert, Expert: A person involved by the Provider to provide auxiliary information aimed at consolidating the skills acquired during the service provision.
Telegram Platform, GetCourse Platform: An online service used for placing informational and consulting materials by the Provider and where remote services are provided by the Provider to the Client, the exclusive rights to which belong to a third party.
Tariff: The cost and list of services provided by the Provider to the Client within the course program, information about which is indicated on the Provider's website.
Donation: A form of payment for the Provider's services, consisting of donating money by the Client for the Provider's efforts, in an amount at the Client's discretion, but not less than the limit set on the Website.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This Offer represents the official proposal of the Provider to enter into a Service Agreement for information and consulting services, containing all the essential terms of the Agreement.
1.2. Acceptance of this Offer is constituted by the following actions: payment for the services of the Provider in accordance with the current prices at the time of payment, as stipulated on the Provider's official website. Payment includes both full payment for chosen Services and partial payments if the installment option is available.
1.3. By accepting this Offer as defined in 1.2., the Client guarantees that they have reviewed, agreed to, and fully and unconditionally accept all the terms of the Agreement as laid out in this Offer. The Client assures that they fully understand all terms of the Agreement.
1.4. The Client understands that accepting this Offer as stated in 1.2. is equivalent to concluding an Agreement on the terms outlined in this Offer.
1.5. In accepting this Offer, the Client confirms that they are a legal adult capable of entering into contractual relationships with the Provider. Services purchased by minors are only possible with the written consent of their legal guardians, provided in a form approved by the Provider.
1.6. The Provider reserves the right to make changes to the terms of this Offer at any time. Changes to the Offer take effect one calendar day after the amendments are made to the Offer and published on the Platform or Website. The Client is responsible for keeping track of the current version of the Offer by making inquiries to the Provider or checking the information on the Platform and/or Website.
1.7. This Offer is irrevocable.
1.8. The Agreement concluded in accordance with this Offer does not require seals and/or signatures by the Client and the Provider while retaining legal validity.
1.9. By accepting this Offer, the Client confirms that they have Internet access and the capability to receive Services online, including the ability to use Chat and Platform as well as software necessary for conducting internet video conferences (Zoom / Telegram).
1.10. The Client is obliged to carefully read the text of this Offer and, if they disagree with any part, the Provider suggests refraining from any actions required for acceptance or to negotiate a personal contract on terms separately discussed with the Provider.
1.12. The Client hereby guarantees that receiving the Provider's Services is necessary for the purposes of conducting their entrepreneurial activities, specifically the sale of their services to third parties.
1.13 By this Offer, the Client is informed that the outcome of acquiring new knowledge depends not only on the Provider's programs but also on the Client's efforts. Services are provided in accordance with European Union laws and established legal practices.

2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1. Under this Agreement, the Provider agrees to provide, and the Client agrees to accept and pay for the services in accordance with the Tariff chosen by the Client.
2.2. This Agreement regulates the general rules for providing services in the form of Courses, as indicated on the Provider's Website. Individual Services provided by the Provider may be governed by other rules, which may be posted on the Website and/or indicated in the Annex to this Offer and/or on the relevant Course page of the Website.

3. Duration of the Agreement
3.1. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the Client's funds are received as payment for the selected Service on the Provider's account and remains effective until the Parties fulfill their obligations.
General Terms of Service Provision
4.1. The Client shall make the payment specified and recorded on the Website, after which, within 24 hours, the Provider grants the Client access to the Course and additional informational materials depending on the chosen Course Tariff or Service.
4.2. Access to the Course is provided one time only. The Client retains indefinite access to the materials of the chosen and paid Course unless otherwise specified on the Website or by the terms of the chosen Tariff and/or as stated in the rules for the provision of individual Services outlined in section 2.2 of the Offer. No additional fee is charged for maintaining access to the Course materials.
4.3. All bonuses (additional materials) are provided voluntarily and gratuitously by the Provider and are not included in the list of obligations when providing the Service.
4.4. If the Client fails to timely receive the Services due to their own fault or choice, the Services are considered to have been properly rendered.
4.5. The Client is not authorized to transfer their access to the materials provided by the Provider to third parties. Violation of this clause of the contract entitles the Provider to deny the Client access to the already paid Services without refunding previously paid funds.
4.6. The Client agrees that the Provider offers access to services or digital products as they are, and cannot demand additional development of the paid service or product, nor its individual components, educational materials, or changes to the rules for providing services or access to products as described in the terms of this Agreement.
4.7. The terms of Service provision may also be communicated by the Provider to the Client by sending a corresponding notification to the contact email and/or SMS message to the contact phone number of the Client, in messengers, and the Client is required to independently and promptly check for notifications from the Provider.
4.8. The Provider has the right not to commence, or to suspend the provision of services, to which it has actually commenced, in cases of the Client's breach of their obligations under this Agreement, namely: incomplete (improper, untimely) payment, provision of incomplete (unreliable) information, failure to provide (untimely provision) of registration or other data necessary for the provision of services, violation of chat conduct rules. The chat conduct rules are stated in section 4.11. of this Offer-Agreement.
4.9. Any copying, storing, placing, publishing, etc., of materials provided by the Provider within the framework of service provision, for personal or other use, on personal computers, electronic devices, servers, websites, video hosting, electronic and internet resources, providing third parties with access to the Course, or otherwise providing the Provider's informational materials to third parties is strictly prohibited. Detection of these facts will result in the Client's removal from chats and termination of service provision under the Agreement without a refund.
4.10. The Provider commits to taking all necessary measures but does not guarantee 100% uninterrupted provision of services under this Agreement. In cases of unsatisfactory Internet connection on the Client's part, technical issues with devices, or software used to receive the services, or technical difficulties with payment services on the Provider's Website, the date/terms of service provision may be unilaterally altered by the Provider without Client consent.
4.11. The Client is obliged to strictly and unconditionally adhere to the following Conduct Rules when receiving Services from the Provider (online) and when interacting with the Provider and other Clients in the chat:
  • Observe discipline and generally accepted norms of behavior, particularly showing respect to the Provider and other Clients, and not infringing upon their honor and dignity.
  • Refrain from aggressive behavior during service provision, not to disrupt the Provider or other Clients, and avoid statements (oral, written) unrelated to the Course topic, etc.
  • Not use information received from the Provider in ways that may or will cause harm to the Provider's interests.
  • Not use the materials provided by the Provider for profit by replicating and reproducing them (publishing in press and other publications, using in public speeches, placing in open access on the Internet, etc.) and in other ways.
  • Not distribute in any way, including to third parties, copy, store, place, publish in public, closed, open sources for any audience (including for personal use) the information, materials, guides, recordings of services provided by the Provider, nor provide access data to the Chat and/or Platform to third parties.
  • Not use obscene language, or expressions that may offend the Provider or other Clients.
  • Not distribute advertisements or offer services of external resources, personal services, or services of third parties.
  • Avoid behavior that could lead to incitement of national or other strife.
  • Refrain from insulting the Provider and/or other Clients, through messages in Chat and/or private messages and/or publishing any information on social networks.
4.12. For quality service provision to other Clients, the Provider is obliged to terminate the Agreement with any Client who violates the conditions of section 4.11. of this Agreement, including removing the Client from chats, without the obligation to refund money/compensate the Client's losses.
4.13. The Provider is committed to providing services at a high professional level, confirmed by experience, in accordance with their own, authorial vision, and using techniques/methodologies that reflect the vision and experience of the Provider. The Client's disagreement with the results of the services, expressed in subjective non-acceptance of the Provider's style of work, own results, etc., under the condition of proper service provision by the Provider, is not grounds for termination of this Agreement and refund to the Client.
4.14. The Provider is not responsible for how the Client uses the information obtained, nor for achieving any results related to the practical application of this information. Any recommendations received during service provision are at the Client's own risk. The Client independently familiarizes themselves with the schedule and content of the Course program on the Website Chat and bears responsibility for timely information reception.
4.15. For the purpose of providing auxiliary information that can influence the assimilation of materials provided by the Provider, the Provider has the right to involve third parties in the provision of Services without prior consent from the Client. The involved third parties are chosen at the discretion of the Provider. The Provider reserves the right to replace third parties in service provision while maintaining the theme, expertise, and range of issues that these third parties will cover.
4.16. This Agreement serves as an act of service provision. Services are considered to have been properly provided in quality and within the proper time frame from the moment access to the materials of the chosen and paid Course by the Client is granted. After the services are provided, the Provider only accepts claims regarding ensuring access to the Course materials.
5. Service Costs and Payment Procedure
5.1. The total cost is calculated based on the services chosen by the Client in accordance with the descriptions of the Courses and/or Course Tariffs.
5.2. The cost of Services on the Website is indicated either as a fixed price or in the form of a Donation.
5.3. Payment for Services in the form of a Donation involves transferring funds to the Provider in an amount deemed appropriate by the Client, but not less than the minimum set on the Website. The parties agree that payment in the form of a Donation is not a gift and therefore does not imply gratuitousness.
5.4. The total cost of services, once paid, can only be changed by signing an additional agreement to the Contract.
5.5. Payment for services under the Contract is made in the form of 100 percent advance payment unless a different payment method is established by mutual agreement. An alternative payment method may be established as indicated in section 5.6. of this Contract. Payment is made by transferring funds to the bank details provided by the Provider or using electronic payment systems indicated by the Provider. Services are considered paid from the moment the funds are received in the Provider's account.
5.6. At the Client's request, installment payment options may be available through partner banks' services. If this method of obtaining installments is not possible, the Client has the right to request installment directly from the Provider. The terms of internal installment are agreed upon by the parties by signing a separate agreement.
6. Conditions for Refunding Payments
6.1. Refunds by the Provider are processed based on the Client's request, sent to the email address no later than 10 calendar days from the date the Provider decides to issue a refund. The review period for the refund request is no more than 10 calendar days from the date of receiving the request.
6.2. Refunds are made under the conditions specified in section 6.7. of this Agreement, and on the condition that the Client fully compensates the Provider for any actual expenses incurred, as detailed in section 6.3. of this Agreement.
6.3. Actual expenses incurred by the Provider include (but are not limited to) commissions of banks, credit organizations, and relevant payment systems for monetary transfers, monetary compensation to third parties involved in the preparation of the provision of information and consulting services, and the cost of organizing and recording video materials.
6.4. The refund request must mandatorily include the Client's full name, passport details, date of birth, and bank details for the refund, as well as an email address, order number, and date. In the absence of any of these details, the Provider has the right not to consider the request until the deficiencies are rectified.
6.5. Funds are refunded to the same bank account from which the services were paid. Funds for services paid by the Client using a bank card cannot be refunded in cash.
6.6. No refund is provided if the Service has been fully rendered. According to the list of non-food products of proper quality not eligible for return or exchange, educational materials in the format of PDF files, video and audio recordings, as well as reproduced on other technical information carriers provided by the Provider to the Client are not subject to return. In other words, the Provider does not issue refunds if the materials have already been received by the Client or they have been granted access to them.
6.7. The amount to be refunded is determined as follows: 6.7.1. If the Course description on the Website specifies "guaranteed cancellation periods" of this Agreement and refund terms, the Client may submit a refund request within the period stated in the Course description. In such cases, the refund is made in full, minus the actual expenses of the Provider as defined in section 6.3. of this Agreement. 6.7.2. If a refund request is made after the periods specified on the Website in the Course description, no refund will be issued. 6.7.3. If the Course description on the Website does not specify "guaranteed cancellation periods", no refund is issued, as the Services are considered properly rendered from the moment the Client is granted access to the selected and paid Course under the chosen Tariff.
6.8. If a refund is provided for in the Course description on the Website, upon receiving the Client's refund request, the Provider will terminate the Client's access to the Services, remove the Client from chats, and cease access to materials obtained by the Client up to the point of receiving the refund request, including terminating access to the Platform.
7. Parties' Liability, Contract Termination, and Dispute Resolution

7.1. Parties are responsible for the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under the Agreement in accordance with the Agreement and the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

7.2. The Agreement may be terminated by mutual consent of the Parties, or unilaterally at the written request of one of the Parties on the grounds provided by the Agreement and applicable laws.
7.3. Unilateral termination of the Agreement is carried out only upon written request by the Parties. The Client may unilaterally terminate the Agreement only if they have fully compensated the Provider for the actual expenses incurred in providing the services and in accordance with the refund conditions specified in section 6 of this Agreement. The Provider may unilaterally terminate the Agreement in case of the Client's breach of their obligations under this Agreement or violation of the conditions specified in section 4 of this Agreement.
7.4. The Provider commits to taking all necessary measures but does not guarantee 100% uninterrupted provision of services under this Agreement. In the event of technical difficulties with the devices or software used by the Provider to provide services, the date/terms of service provision may be unilaterally altered by the Provider without Client consent.
7.5. The Provider is not responsible for the poor quality of services if the inadequate performance was due to the unreliability, insufficiency, or untimeliness of the information provided by the Client, the Client's violation of the Agreement terms, or inaction by the Client in receiving the Services (ignoring the provided materials).
7.6. The Provider is not liable for the service not meeting the Client’s expectations or for the Client’s subjective assessment. Such non-compliance with expectations and/or negative subjective assessment are not grounds to consider the services as rendered poorly or not in the agreed volume.
7.7. The Provider is not liable for incorrect or unreliable information provided by the Client during registration or payment for services.
7.8. The Provider is not liable for inability to serve the Client due to issues related to the malfunctioning of the Platform, equipment, or software on the Client's side.
7.9. The Client guarantees that they are physically healthy and mentally stable, and understands that the result of the service provision may vary from what is stated (in advertising, on the Provider's website, or other sources) as the application of acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities depends on many factors unknown to the Provider (such as determination, diligence, perseverance, intellectual development, creative abilities, and other personal qualities and characteristics), which is acknowledged by both parties.
7.10. If, in the Client's opinion, the services provided by the Provider are of poor quality, the Client has the right to send a pre-trial claim letter to the Provider's email address with a detailed description of the claims. The Client is informed that the criterion for quality is the Provider's provision of Services within the deadline, namely granting access to the chosen and paid Course as per the description on the Provider's Website.

7.11. In case of failure to resolve disputes amicably, disputes arising from the Agreement shall be resolved in court in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia at the Provider's location: Yerevan.

8. Intellectual Property Rights
8.1. The Provider is the author and rights holder of the informational and consulting materials provided as part of the Course, including but not limited to video recordings, methodological and informational-consulting materials, brochures, tables, checklists, articles, and other materials provided by the Provider to the Client within the Course.
8.2. The Client is hereby notified that any infringement of the Provider’s copyright and exclusive rights is prohibited. Such infringements include: 8.2.1. Copying, replicating, processing, reproducing (publishing in the press, on social networks, placing in open access on the Internet, as well as in any other publications) of the Course materials; 8.2.2. Reselling the Course materials; 8.2.3. Providing access to the Course materials, either for a fee or free of charge, to third parties; 8.2.4. Distributing in any way, including to third parties, copying, storing, placing, publishing in public, closed, open sources for any audience (including for personal use) the information, Course materials, guides, service recordings provided by the Provider, as well as providing access data to the Chat and/or Platform to third parties; 8.2.5. Using the Course materials as part of their own information products; 8.2.6. Creating their own information and other products based on the Course materials, as well as any other use of the Course materials for profit-making purposes; 8.2.7. Claiming authorship (of the Provider) or the authorship of the Course materials; 8.2.8. Any other use of the Course materials recognized as an infringement of the Provider's copyright and exclusive rights under applicable European laws.
8.3. The Client is informed that any violation of the Provider’s copyright and exclusive rights may result in civil, administrative, and criminal liability for the violator.
8.4. The Client is notified that for any infringement of the Provider’s copyright and exclusive rights, the Provider is entitled to claim a fine from the Client in the amount of €50,000, compensation for damages caused by the infringement, and additional compensation in accordance with European civil law up to €500,000.
8.5. If it is established that the Client participates in and/or distributes the Course/materials of the Course in whole or in part on joint purchasing services of information products (group buying) or by any other means on the Internet, the Client shall be obliged to pay the Provider a penalty of €50,000.
8.6. The Client is informed that under European laws, criminal liability may be invoked in connection with copyright infringement (claiming oneself as the author of the Provider's materials, releasing the Course under the Client's name, copying and distributing materials as the Client or without specifying the author), if such an act causes significant harm to the author.
8.7. Upon completion of the Course period specified in the description of the Tariff chosen and paid for by the Client, the Course materials are provided to the Client under the terms of a simple non-exclusive license. The Client is entitled to use the Course materials only for personal and/or professional activities, namely viewing, storing on the Platform, studying the Course materials, and using the information and skills acquired during the Course.
8.8. The Client is permitted to mention in their social media accounts the video recordings of the Course and/or video conferences involving the Client during the Course, only on the condition of mentioning the Provider’s name and providing a link to the Provider’s social media account. The size of the information used during the mention should correspond to the purpose of the mention.

9. Force Majeure
9.1. The Parties are exempt from liability for the full or partial non-fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement in case the non-fulfillment is a result of force majeure events, namely: fire, flood, earthquake, strike, war, internet resource blocking, actions of state authorities, or other circumstances beyond the Parties’ control.
9.2. The Party unable to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement must promptly, but no later than 5 calendar days after the occurrence of the force majeure event, notify the other Party in writing, providing supporting documents issued by competent authorities.
9.3. The Parties acknowledge that the Client's insolvency, lack of free time for any reason to receive the paid service, being on vacation, on a business trip, non-payment for internet access, or breakdown of internet access devices are not considered force majeure circumstances.
10. Other Conditions
10.1. The Parties recognize that if any provision becomes invalid during its validity period due to changes in legislation, the other provisions of the Agreement remain binding for the Parties for the duration of the Agreement.
10.2. The Provider has the right to immediately cease providing services without refunding payments if the Client displays aggression or disrespectful behavior towards the Provider, other involved third parties, or other Clients; uses offensive language or shows aggression in chat comments; spreads false or discriminatory information on the Internet including social networks; incites international conflicts; sends spam; or places advertisements. The Client acknowledges that the prepaid service cost in the cases mentioned in this section is considered a penalty for violating the terms of the Agreement and will not be refunded to the Client.

11. Personal Data Processing
11.1. In accordance with the requirements of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Client (data subject), by accepting the terms of this Offer, consents to the processing of all their personal data provided to the Provider, as well as its transfer to parties with whom the Provider has contractual relationships for fulfilling the terms of this Agreement and providing services to the Client. The purpose of processing the Client's personal data is to fulfill the obligations established by this Agreement.
11.2. Consent to the processing of personal data is given for a period of 3 years and may be revoked or amended by sending a statement to the Provider's email.
11.3. The Provider undertakes to keep confidential and not disclose any confidential information known to them from the Client in the provision of Services under this Agreement.
11.4. All personal data are processed by the Provider in accordance with the GDPR and the Privacy Policy posted on the website at:

12. Disclaimer
12.1. All statements about obtaining results, as well as examples of obtaining quality results that may be posted on the Provider's account, are only a predictive assessment of possible outcomes and do not guarantee their achievement.
12.2. User reviews presented in the Provider's account are individual achievements of specific people. These results are not typical or guaranteed. The Client's results will depend on their decisions and actions.
12.3. Any statements and representations posted in the Provider's account regarding the attainment of possible outcomes are not considered a mandatory result for every individual.
Provider's Details and Contact Information
Lime Consulting LLC
Tax Identification Number: 02893368
Registration Number: 54160160
DEC, 03 / 2023

© All Right Reserved. Lime Consulting LLC.
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