by LimeICO
Fundraising & Winning Investors
Starting in a week
For smart founders who want to get funding, investments, and financial support from investors right now. Simple and clear steps to follow.
The results already during the course!
Each Course Participant Will Achieve:
  • Access to Exclusive Investor Networks:
    You will tap into our unique matchmaking system, connecting you with investors specifically interested in projects like yours, increasing your chances of successful funding.
  • Craft Winning Pitch Decks:
    You will master the skill of creating impactful pitch decks that clearly articulate your vision, strategy, and business potential, making your project irresistible to investors.
  • Enhanced Company Valuation Techniques:
    You will learn effective strategies to boost your company's valuation, equipping you to negotiate investment deals on the most favourable terms possible.
  • Becomes the Go-To Choice for Investors:
    You will position yourself as a leading choice in your industry, effectively eliminating competition and becoming the primary focus for investor funds and support.
  • Masters Communication with Any Investor:
    You will gain a deep understanding of investor psychology, enabling you to effectively communicate and align with investor expectations and requirements.
The fundraising techniques you'll learn will stay with you forever
and you will immediately recoup the cost of the course. Your project will evolve into a magnet for investors, drawing their attention and nurturing support for unparalleled growth.
Real-World Application
Why does the course system work?
Our course emphasizes practical skills over theoretical knowledge, ensuring you can apply what you learn directly to real-world fundraising and investor relations.
Immediate Feedback
Our practice-oriented approach allows for immediate feedback on your strategies and presentations, enabling rapid improvement and refinement of your techniques.
Collaborative Environment
You'll work alongside peers, sharing insights and strategies, which enriches your learning experience and mirrors real-world collaborative scenarios.
We use an integrated approach that is practice-oriented
Want to know if you need to take the “Fundraising & Winning Investors” course ?
Dive deep into your beliefs and ask yourself - why haven't I raised enough funds for my project yet? Why didn't I found the right investor?
If you have at least one negative belief from the list, the course is definitely for you.
  • Self-Doubt

    • "I'm Not Experienced Enough": Belief that lack of extensive experience in the industry or as an entrepreneur disqualifies me from seeking investment.

    • "I'm Not Good at Pitching": Lack of confidence in my ability to effectively present my ideas and convince investors.

    • "I Don't Deserve Investment": Low self-esteem or imposter syndrome leading me to undervalue my own work and potential.

    • "My Business Isn't Scalable Enough": Belief that my business model or product isn't scalable enough to attract investors.

    • "I'll Be Rejected Anyway": Anticipatory anxiety about rejection, leading to avoidance of even applying for funding or investment opportunities.
  • Perceived External Barriers

    • "Investors Won't Understand My Idea": Fear that my business concept is too complex or niche for investors to appreciate or see the potential in.

    • "My Network Isn't Strong Enough": Concern that without powerful connections or a robust network, I won't be able to access the right investors.

    • "Investors Only Want Tech Startups": Assumption that investors are only interested in technology-related businesses, leaving other sectors out of consideration.

    • "The Timing Isn't Right": Belief that the current market conditions aren't favorable for my business or that I should wait for a better time to seek funding.
  • Fear of Consequences

    • "I Need to Have a Perfect Business Plan": Feeling that every aspect of my business plan must be flawless before approaching investors, leading to endless revisions and delays.

    • "I Might Lose Control of My Business": Worry that accepting investment means relinquishing too much control or compromising my vision for the business.

    • "It's Too Risky": Concern over the risks involved in taking on external funding, such as increased pressure to perform and deliver returns.

    • "I Don't Want to Dilute Equity": Hesitation to share equity with investors, fearing it will dilute my ownership and control over the business.

    • "I Can Bootstrap Forever": Conviction that I can self-fund my business indefinitely, often leading to slower growth and missed opportunities.
Turn these doubts into decisive action
Are you poised to take your business to the next level but need the capital to make it happen?
This is your moment. Our course provides you with the essential tools and strategies to attract investors and secure the funding your project deserves.

Limited seats available – secure your spot now and watch your business soar. Join Now!
Course program
Secret techniques, fundraising tricks, scripts await you - you can immediately put all this into practice and receive investments during the program.

If you already have investors and receive financial assistance, the course will help you to close a new investment round and multiply your income.
Learning modules
Click on the learning week to find out more
Week 1: Understanding the Fundamentals
  • Day 1: Live zoom with Anna. Course Orientation and Overview of the Fundraising Landscape
  • Day 2: Basics of Fundraising: Terminology, Concepts, and Processes
  • Day 3: Understanding Different Types of Investors and What They Look For
  • Day 4: Identifying Your Funding Needs and Setting Realistic Goals
  • Day 5: Interactive Session: Analyzing Successful Fundraising Case Studies
Results after completing the module
  • Gained a solid understanding of the fundraising ecosystem.
  • Learned key terminology and concepts in fundraising and investment.
  • Developed an ability to identify different types of investors and their criteria.
  • Acquired skills in setting realistic funding goals based on specific project needs.
  • Enhanced analytical skills through studying successful fundraising case studies.
Topic: Introduction to Fundraising and Investment
Week 2: Creating an Engaging Pitch Deck
  • Day 1: The Art of Storytelling in Business Pitches
  • Day 2: Essential Elements of an Effective Pitch Deck
  • Day 3: Workshop: Drafting Your Pitch Deck
  • Day 4: Peer Review and Iteration of Pitch Decks
  • Day 5: QnA Session: A Venture Capitalist’s Perspective on Pitching
Results after completing the module
  • Learned the art of storytelling in the context of business pitching.
  • Developed a persuasive and visually appealing pitch deck.
  • Understood the key elements that capture an investor's interest.
  • Improved pitch deck through peer reviews and iterative refinements.
  • Gained a venture capitalist’s perspective on what makes a pitch successful.
Topic: Designing Your Pitch for Maximum Impact
Week 3: Building Your Financial Model
  • Day 1: Introduction to Financial Modeling and Its Importance
  • Day 2: Key Components of a Successful Financial Model
  • Day 3: Workshop: Developing Your Own Financial Model
  • Day 4: Review and Feedback Session on Financial Models
  • Day 5: QnA Session: Insights from a Financial Expert
Results after completing the module
  • Mastered the basics of financial modeling essential for startups and businesses.
  • Created a comprehensive financial model tailored to your project.
  • Gained insights into the critical components that make a financial model effective.
  • Received personalized feedback to refine your financial model.
Topic: Crafting a Compelling Financial Plan
Week 4: Crafting a High-Converting Landing Page
  • Day 1: Fundamentals of a Successful Landing Page for Fundraising
  • Day 2: Designing Your Landing Page: Message, Branding, and User Experience
  • Day 3: Technical Workshop: Building Your Landing Page
  • Day 4: Integrating Digital Marketing Strategies to Drive Traffic to Your Page
  • Day 5: Workshop: Test and Refine Your Landing Page with Real-Time Feedback
Results after completing the module
  • Gained knowledge on the key elements of an effective fundraising landing page.
  • Created and refined a mock-up of your landing page, ready for real-world application.
  • Hands-on experience in building and setting up a functional landing page.
  • Learned how to integrate digital marketing strategies to attract investors.
Topic: Building an Effective Online Presence for Fundraising
Week 5: Engaging with Investors
  • Day 1: Understanding Investor Psychology and Expectations
  • Day 2: Communication Skills for Engaging with Investors
  • Day 3: Role-playing: Simulating Investor Meetings
  • Day 4: Negotiation Tactics and Closing the Deal
  • Day 5: Final Presentations and Course Wrap-Up
Results after completing the module
  • Acquired a deep understanding of investor psychology.
  • Enhanced communication skills for effective engagement with investors.
  • Gained experience in investor meetings through role-playing simulations.
  • Learned negotiation tactics to secure favorable investment terms.
  • Successfully presented a comprehensive project pitch to a panel, integrating learnings from the entire course.
Topic: Effective Communication and Negotiation
End of Program: Feedback, Certification, and Networking Event
Our Clients Success Story:
$102M+ Raised Across 39 Projects in 7 Years
Platform to attract commercial property investments.
Bank4You is safe, secure, and reliable eWallet.
IoT security solution based on blockchain.
Blockchain exchange platform for the gaming market.
Global, decentralized exchange of programmatic advertising.
Decentralized affiliate platform that integrates advertisers, networks and affiliates.
Anna Ashmarina
So my name is Anna, and I'm the founder of a premier fundraising consultancy based in London called LimeICO.

Since our inception in 2017, we've launched 39 fundraising campaigns, successfully securing a total of 102 million USD for our clients. We specialize in two key services: Investor Engagement and Fundraising Strategies. I personally oversee fundraising campaigns that have been instrumental in this substantial capital accumulation. I mention this not to impress, but to assure you that what you're learning is deeply rooted in real-world experience.

You're going to discover the exact methods that I utilize for clients who achieve remarkable success in raising funds. At LimeICO, we have a diverse client portfolio, ranging from small startups to large enterprises, all across the world. While not all of them raise millions, each campaign is significant and contributes to our total success. This course consolidates all our proven techniques and the strategies we employ at our consultancy, presenting them in an accessible, easy-to-digest format.
Course Author
Choose Your Plan
Basic Plan
Fundamentals Unlocked: Essential Tools for Aspiring Fundraisers
£ 699

  • Access to First Module: Introduction to Fundraising and Investment
  • Access to Second Module: Designing Your Pitch Deck
  • Access to Third Module: Building Your Financial Model
  • Access to Fourth Module: Crafting a High-Converting Landing Page
  • Access to Fifth Module: Engaging with Investors
  • Downloadable Course Materials: Includes worksheets, templates, and guides.
  • Community Access: Join a community of fellow participants for networking and support.
  • Certificate of Completion: A digital certificate awarded upon course completion.
  • Email Support: Standard email support for queries during the course.
Elite Plan
Exclusive Mentorship: The Ultimate Experience in Fundraising Mastery
  • All Pro Plan Features: Includes everything from the Pro Plan.
  • Personal Mentorship: Weekly one-on-one mentorship sessions with Anna Ashmarina or a senior team member.
  • Access to Exclusive Investor Network: Get introduced to a network of potential investors.
  • Customized Fundraising Strategy: Personalized strategy development for your project.
  • Post-Course Support: 3 months of post-course support and consultation.
  • VIP Community Access: Access to a VIP community of high-achieving entrepreneurs and alumni.
  • In-Person Networking Events: Invitations to exclusive LimeICO networking events (travel and lodging not included).